Primos Truth Cam Ultra 46 HD

Primos Truth Cam Ultra 46 HD Review

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The Primos Truth Cam Ultra 46 HD #63044 is a mid-range, low glow, 7MP trail camera. Primos has taken the feedback from previous year’s products and delivered improved performance in each area with this latest offering. By changing where the camera was built, Primos has increased quality and reliability.

The Ultra 46 HD has all of the same basic features of its predecessors, with the added bonus of a quick trigger, short recovery time, and 720p HD video capabilities. All of this together makes this Truth Cam worthy of consideration as your next trail camera.

Technical Facts

  • Image Sizes: 7 MP
  • Video: 1280×720 HD, 60 seconds long.
  • Trigger Speed: 0.7 seconds
  • Recovery Speed: 3 seconds
  • Detection Range: 80 feet
  • Flash Range: 90 feet, with 46 IR Emitters.
  • Batteries: Requires 8 AA Batteries, with Lithium Ion being preferred.
  • Size: 3.875” Wide, 5.25” Tall, 2.5” Deep
  • SD Card Slot – Compatible with up to 32GB cards.
  • Slider for Simple configuration changes.

Detection and Trigger Circuit

A game camera is only as good as its ability to capture images, and the Truth Cam Ultra 46 HD does this very well thanks to several key features.

The 46 HD boasts a wide field of view thanks to the 45 degrees wide PIR sensor and speedy 0.7 second trigger time. The flash utilizes 46 infrared LEDs, powering a 100-foot nighttime flash range with an impressive detection range of 80 feet.

Once an animal is detected, the camera will take a high definition 7-megapixel picture. The camera’s high shutter speed ensures clean, well balanced pictures. Featuring a 3 second recovery time, the Primos Ultra 46 HD game camera has the fasted recovery time of any camera in its class.

Image and Video Quality

Primos Truth Cam Ultra 46 HD Review
Image Credit: Clay Hill Hunting

The Primos Truth Cam Ultra 46 HD may only be 7MP, but it’s a very high-quality 7MP, and image quality is where the Ultra 46 HD really shines. The colors are vibrant and objects are clear, as opposed to the grainy, faded colors found on lesser cameras.

The Ultra 46 has one of the largest flash zones among any camera on the market, reaching all the way out to 90 feet. While great for capturing images of animals at a distance, that kind of flash power is why animals closer to the camera will experience some degree of whiteout.

Despite the occasional whiteout, most hunters will be satisfied with the night pictures, as the pictures still have good sharpness and depth at night.

The Ultra 46 HD has a surprisingly good HD video capability of 60 second recordings at a 1280×720 resolution. The camera also has a multi-shot mode, which captures up to five images per trigger, and a timelapse mode.

Primos trail cameras have truly come a long way in a few short years. If you value picture quality and price over all else, this might be the camera for you.

Ease of Use

The Ultra 46 trail camera will be intuitive to both experienced trail cam users as well as first timers. Just use the simple slider switch to choose between photos, HD video, or timelapse modes. One common complaint is the On/Off functionality, which requires more effort to operate than it should. The housing design measures a compact 3.875″x5.25″x2.5″, and features a unique fall camouflage skin.

Battery Life

This trail camera runs on the standard 8 AA batteries and it lives up to the Primos reputation for long operating life. You can actually expect to get a full year out of a set of Lithium Energizer batteries, making the Ultra 46 HD one of the best performers when it comes to power conservation.

Of course, your mileage may vary depending on the settings you deploy your camera with. One key factor of the battery life span is the amount of video you choose to take. This means that the Primos Ultra 46 HD camera can take still images for 12 months, or much less if you’re recording mostly videos.

Pros & Cons

Pros – There is certainly a lot to like about this camera, namely the wide FOV, quick trigger, and one of the largest detection ranges made today. Primos has made great strides in building better trail cameras, and the images from the Ultra 46 HD prove it. We were pleased with the rich colors and clear landscapes we see from this camera.

The battery life is among the best, it’s simple to operate, and the Ultra 46 HD is a really nice looking camera as well. The case is rock solid, waterproof, and has that awesome fall foliage graphics, making it perfect to conceal in the woods come deer season.

Cons – The main reservation associated with the Primos Ultra 46 HD game camera is the occasional whiteout on night photos. Much of the time it’s OK, but when the animal is up close directly in line with the flash, it’s bound to happen.

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